Cancellations & Refund

Cancellation Policy

All orders can be cancelled for a full refund within 24 hours of placing the order.

Cancellation requests can be submitted by sending an email to

For prepaid orders, the refund is processed via UPI/bank transfer.

Post-Shipment Cancellation:

  • If the cancellation is after your product has shipped and is in transit, the refund will be processed after deducting the actual shipment charges.
  • If you have received the product, it will be eligible for replacement/exchange within 7 days of order receipt.


Refund Policy:

The refunded amount is credited back to your bank account.

Refunds will be processed within 5 working days from the date of receiving the order.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Refund Policy, feel free to contact us via email at or message us via WhatsApp at +91 8077266601 from Monday to Saturday, between 10 AM to 6 PM (IST).